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Hello everyone,


I’m new to BeyondTrust University and Beekeeper. Can anyone please guide me how to browse through/get a Passwordsafe certifications and badges? Can we also get a learning path for the same? 

I have checked the whole console and the learning path is empty and there are no certifications mentioned anywhere. There are only fair few courses available.



Hello chirag,

BTU (BeyondTrust University) Courses are a paid-for product. If you have purchased some training modules already, but cannot see them - please contact the BTU team directly and they can assist you.

Hi Chirag,

Did you see the recent announcement that we are providing free trainings for customers who have a valid up to date maintenance agreement with BT? You need to check out the Password Safe options in BeyondTrust University!

You can access this from the dashboard you see when you login at

Let us know what you find! If you have questions on the direction you should take when you are stating out, ask in the PasswordSafe section here. There are many people who would be glad to guide you along.

Take care,

