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How can I assign an Access Policy to a specific application only?



To elaborate more, below is the exact requirement:

We need to allow a group of users to access a specific application with 1-level approval process.

You can create a new access policy just for application (uncheck rdp and ssh) with 1 approver, then assign this policy to a smart group on a user group.

If role-based access control is required, you will need to create a Smart Group (via Smart Rule) where you can assign this resource to a specific user group. 

Thank you for the answers.

I need application-specific access policy. 

Please consider the following example:


A user needs access to two different applications.

It is mandated that Access Policy #1 be applied when the user is accessing Application #1 and Access Policy #2 while accessing Application #2.







To confirm your requirement, you want same managed account for two different applications, with two access policies respectively right?

I think only possible way for your requirement, is to create multiple smart groups for the same managed account and assign respective access policy like below:

MA1 → App1 Smart Group → App1 Access Policy

MA1 → App2 Smart Group → App2 Access Policy

When the user submit the access request, user has to select the respective application’s access policy from the available list. 

Screenshot from my lab


Thank you, Prudhvi.

Application #1 and Application #2 are assigned by editing MA1.

But how does the application tie up to a specific access policy?

As far as I know, application cannot be tie up to a specific access policy.
