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  Password safe physical appliane comes with 4 network cards. It is possible to have more than one network card in virtual appliance? Can we have more IP adressess for one network card in virtual appliance? If yes, where can I found the documentation? Thanks.

It is my understanding that you can have a multihomed environment but that may have been an older Appliance. I have successfully teamed the NICS. I have also had different subnets on different NICs. the caveat here is this was several years back and I am not sure if this is eligible for the newer releases.

Thanks Frank.

I got some similar answer from support :

Yes, you should be able to add additional NIC's to the appliance. Here are some VMWare documentation on the process:

Once added, you may want to enable NIC teaming, using the previous documentation I provided. The VM should only have 1 IP address, but you can utilize multiple NICs for Redundancy/Reliability.


The appliance is restricted to one IP because it is predefined with OVF template for VmWare?
