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Hi Team,

  Recently I’ve performed Discovery Scan during that time I have faced this below Issue.

“discovery agents below version 20.1 are end of life, not supported for new scans and need to be updated”

 Are there any updation do we need to take ? or I need to check anything? Appriciate your support.



Hi SugunaRajalakshmi, 

It looks like your Discovery Scanner needs an update. You can update your Scanner using this KB - BeyondInsight / Password Safe - How to update the BeyondTrust Discovery Scanner Agent. If you have already updated but still seeing this error, then you might have some old scanner services running, you can follow this KB - BeyondInsight / Password Safe - Message "Discovery Agents below version 20.1 are End of Life and need to be updated" appears when agents are already upgraded to fix it. 

If you are on an older network scanner version that has been deprecated now, you need to follow specific upgrade instructions here - BeyondInsight / Password Safe - How to migrate from the BeyondTrust Network Security Scanner to the BeyondTrust Discovery Agent 

Please feel free to reach out to our support team if you face any issues. Let us know if you have any questions. 


Many Thanks! ​@Bhawik  for your quick assistance. the issue was sorted out. 
