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Need a report containing list of users having access to which assets through which managed account, I have already tried running Entitlement by User report but it does not meet my usecase.

I need a single csv file containing the list of all the users having access to which all managed systems via which which managed account. Needed for compliance purpose, but this BeyondTrust PasswordSafe is unable to meet my criteria. 

I am clueless to know that this tool is PAM Leader in the market!!!



Open a Ideia on or create a API script to collect the information you need. The Entitlement by User is the only report you gonna have that is close to the scenario you described.

About the API approach, the endpoints you would need are as follow:


GET UserGroup -> Get the List of User Groups
GET UserGroups/{userGroupId}/Users -> Get the list of users from the specific group.
GET SmartRules -> Get the Smart Rule list, you can filter to only Managed Account type
GET SmartRules/{smartRuleID}/ManagedAccounts -> Get the Managed Accounts list for each Smart Rule
GET UserGroups/{userGroupId}/SmartRules/{smartRuleId}/Roles -> Get the list of wich smart rules are associated with each user groups and they roles.

Now you just need to adjust the script to concact this information in a csv file and get the report you need.
