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Dear all,


A question: The ssh authentication on MAC (MacOs) is working via BeyondInsight\Password. What are the settings for authentication in the Mac graphical interface via PAM?

I received this information below, where my developer team said that they would like to perform this entire process via PS/BI:
"In step 1 - SSH would be enough for developers to install tools that depend on the terminal and run the build of iOS apps and perhaps unit tests in previously configured projects. In a slightly more complicated way, it would also be possible to submit apps to the Apple store. This submission requires a MAC device and is usually done via xCODE or the Transporter app, which are visual, but it is possible to submit through the configuration of tools such as Fastlane.
In step 2 - Some configurations of Apple's iOS projects need to be done via xCODE, which is essentially visual. Development and debugging via xCODE and simulation of apps in the iOS simulator also require the graphical interface. Some tasks such as certificate management and provisioning profiles, submitting apps to the store, etc. that are possible via the terminal are much easier/more practical via the graphical interface.

Can you tell me if there is an SSH authentication feature in MacOS via BI/PS that authenticates via the graphical interface?

Thank you.


Sorry for the late response. For MAC OS password safe can rotate the passwords for and make proxied SSH connections. For authentication we can authenticate over SSH using password auth or SSH Key auth.

If you need to make a proxied connection to a MAC graphical interface you could potentially setup a Password Safe application. Depending on the application you use to make remote connections to a MAC graphical interface you may be able to setup the application and automate the login using credentails from password safe.

Have a look at this KB on setting up application sessions in Password Safe.




Sorry for delay… I'll try and I communicate after.

