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Hello there,

we are using BT Remote Support and we often have to select and move / delete a lot of jump clients at once (because devices get scrapped or moved somewhere else).

It is pretty tiring to select them one by one… (and no, waiting for the auto deletion of non-connected jump clients after x days is no solution in this case...)

It would be so easy if there was a way to make a selection for more than one hostname in the search bar, so I could copy a list of ten or more hostnames in there and get a list with all the clients.

I would also appreciate an API to do so, but I did not find a way to select a list of clients by hostname. 

Does anybody have the same issue and a solution for this?


Best regards,


Would this be what you are looking for? Easy way to find and remove duplicate clients in Admin console.


There is an API to manage this, and an example template script in that post.

I saw this post already and it is also useful, thanks, I will try that too - because we also have duplicates in our console…. 

But this is not exactly what I am looking for, because I need a field to enter specific hostnames.

For example “ComputerA1”, “ComputerC26”, “ComputerZ22” etc. 

I read the API manual, but I did not find a “search for jump item by hostname” method. 

So I am a bit lost.

Yeah, I don’t think you can search by hostname; you’d have to use the API and loop through all jump clients to create a list then compare to your list of endpoints you want to take action on.

That is a good idea. Maybe with some powershell magic… 

I will see how far I get on this way.

Thank you very much for your replies!

Hello again! 

I managed to tweak the looping script for removing the duplicates to get it to export a full jump client list. (Just let it create the list as it does already and then export the values Hostname and ID as CSV)

I can then use Excel to match it with a list of clients I want to remove and get the IDs to the computer names. 

I then feed the resulting ID-list as CSV into another script that will again loop through all the clients and delete only the matching IDs. 

It works! :)
