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Hi Team,

Recently, I became an admin for PRA and started working on it, but I need some clarification on certain points.

For example, what is the workflow for granting a vendor access to a server?

Currently, I have created the vendor account, but when I select Jump Items Matching Criteria, it shows a limited number of servers, and the server I’m looking for is not appearing.

Any idea why this is happening? I’m sure I might have skipped some steps, as the admin guides are not very clear.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey xNourahx!

Here are some best practices around jump items with PRA specifically.  Most of this is handled under the membership sections under their permissions. 
1.  Make sure you are using jump groups to assist with organizing groups of machines that your vendors will need access to.  
2.  Make sure the vendor/vendor group have access to the jumpoints that house any shortcuts or machines.
3.  Make sure any jump clients deployed are added to the assigned jump group (if using them)
4.  Make sure their permissions under jump technology allow them to access the type of jump created.
5.  Make sure they have the proper jump item role permissions:
Under jump items roles -> set default role.  Leave Teams, Personal and System as NO ACCESS.  If you do NOT set System to NO Access, they will have access to ALL jump clients.  Teams means that all users in the support teams can see each other's personal devices.  Personal means only machines assigned to that specific user can view those devices.  
