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Hi All,

In PRA, we have a SAML security provider configured for user authentication and provisioning. User will only be provisioned when they first-time logged in.

Is there anyway we can pre-provision the users by LDAP/AD Group synchronization similar functionality as Password Safe (without using SCIM).




Adding more context to the requirement:

We are using group policies to assign jump groups, policies and roles. Currently we are assigning the user to group policies after their account provisioned through first login.

We have one AD group where all PRA users will be member of. We want to sync and pre-provision these users to PRA and assign the Group Policies to them even before they access the PRA for the first time. 

In the SAML Security Provider, I added LDAP Group Lookup. but I’m not able to figure out, how this can be useful for my use case. What is the purpose of adding groups from different provider?
